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A member registered Sep 08, 2017

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Happy Birthday Moxie :D

Ok good to hear :) thanks for the amazing storys and fun games, have a good rest of your day!

(1 edit)

is there going to be more games in the treat series? i played through all the games and am currently playing the rest, i loved the treat series and i really hope that you will make another game as the story left me really wanting another part as i wanted to know what happens next. Hope that you will make more of these games and if you stop and just keep making other kinds of games i will still play and love them as all the games i have played so far have been really fun with an amazing or cute story.

love your work :)

(1 edit)

fun game its intresting and i hope you can make it a full game :) really like the land mechanics and i love the style in my opinion amazing game. the only problem is that i usualy crash randomly but its still an amazing game